Dream Clients Archives - Content Marketing & SEO Agency | Get More Sales From Your Website Jammy Digital Tue, 22 Sep 2020 07:59:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Stop Customer Issues Before They Happen (Using Content Marketing) https://jammydigital.com/prevent-client-problems/ https://jammydigital.com/prevent-client-problems/#respond Sun, 20 Sep 2020 21:56:49 +0000 https://jammydigital.com/?p=4927 What are you, psychic? How on earth are you supposed to know what customer issues will come up in your business? And how, then, can you prevent them from happening? We’re not suggesting you use a crystal ball to see into the future to predict any client/customer issues. (Besides, the first thing we’d all do […]

The post How to Stop Customer Issues Before They Happen (Using Content Marketing) appeared first on Content Marketing & SEO Agency | Get More Sales From Your Website.

What are you, psychic? How on earth are you supposed to know what customer issues will come up in your business?

And how, then, can you prevent them from happening?

We’re not suggesting you use a crystal ball to see into the future to predict any client/customer issues.

(Besides, the first thing we’d all do if we had a crystal ball is check out those lottery numbers, right?)

But there are things you can do to prevent client problems before they actually happen.

How To Prevent Customer Issues Before They Happen

Have you ever had a problem involving your customers or clients? We know we have. It’s safe to say that the majority of businesses have. We are human, after all.

These problems could be things like…

Taking on the ‘wrong fit’ client

– someone who doesn’t respect you or how you work. Or someone who can’t follow your processes. Or simply someone who is not on your wavelength.

Scope creep

– a common problem for business owners who end up doing much more than what was originally agreed.

Clients not doing their ‘part’

– if you’re anything like us, you may need your clients to do things in order to complete the project. For us, this is things like providing a website copy or a logo. You may find that some of your clients are a little sloth-like when it comes to giving you what you need.

Customers not knowing what happens next

– they may have started out excited to buy from you, but they’ve ended up confused about what’s going on

What you need to do is think about all the problems you’ve experienced before, and think about how you can prevent these from happening again.

But to do this successfully, you need to rethink how you view these problems…

Changing Your Mindset: Problem Customers Are YOUR Responsibility

You may feel that when issues crop up with your clients or customers, this isn’t your fault. Perhaps you feel that the customer is unreasonable or demanding or just won’t put in the work they need to do?

Here’s the thing, regardless of whose fault it is, you need to take responsibility for it.

And we get how hard it is to take ownership and responsibility for something (especially if you feel it isn’t your fault).

But by taking responsibility, we’re not saying that you should be a pushover and do exactly what people tell you to do – quite the opposite.

We’re talking about accepting that the problem happened, understanding why it happened and using content marketing to prevent it from happening again.

[bctt tweet=”Accept the problem happened, understand why it happened, and use content to prevent it from happening again. ” username=”Jammy_Digital”]

A Proactive Rather than Reactive Approach to Solving Customer Issues

This all stems from having a proactive approach to problem prevention (rather than reacting as soon as problems crop up!)

This is how content marketing can help. You can create content that proactively prevents problems from happening in your business BEFORE they happen.

The Contract Myth: Why Not Use A Contract to Prevent Issues?

When business owners start to think about proactively preventing problems in their business, the first place they start is the contract or terms and conditions.

This isn’t a bad thing – far from it, it’s always a good idea to have a contract! But, a contract can give you a false sense of security.

It can make you feel protected. But, it relies on your client or customer reading it (and a lot won’t). And secondly, if something does happen, do you really want to utter the phrase ‘as per the contract’? Can you imagine saying this phrase every month or week? Eugh. It gives us the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.

That’s not the best foundation for good customer relationships.

So yes, a contract is a good idea and it will offer you legal protection.

But referencing your contract with your client is really the ‘last case scenario’ card.

[bctt tweet=”A Contract Should Not Replace Good Communication With Your Customers” username=”Jammy_Digital”]

It’s much better if your potential customer is educated about who you are and how you work before they even get in touch with you. Rather than down the line when issues crop up.

Content Fortress Book

How Do You Use Content Marketing to Prevent Customer Issues?

There are actually a lot of ways you can use content marketing to prevent customer issues.

  1. Make Sure You Only Work With The ‘Right Fit’ by Creating ‘Repelling’ Content

Ever taken on a client and realised they’re not the right fit? This could be for different reasons: they could see you as an employee – someone to boss around or interrupt at any time of day.

Or they could be someone who isn’t yet ready for your products or services. They’re not bad, just not suited for what you offer.

Taking on clients that are the wrong fit can cause huge amounts of stress (for both you and the client). That’s why you need to be crystal clear…

  • Exactly who you help and what you will and will not do
  • Communicating that to your prospects

You can do this through something we call ‘repelling content’ which is specific content that repels the ‘wrong fits’ from working with you.

How Repelling Content Prevents Customer Issues

It prevents you from taking on clients who are the ‘wrong fit’, and better still, it prevents you from even talking to the ‘wrong fit’ clients. The last thing you want is to waste your time communicating with people who aren’t right for your business, and this content hits them before they get in touch.

The beauty of ‘repelling content’ is that it also works to attract those dream clients too. It shows that you’re selective about who you work with and that you’re not for everyone. It makes those who are the right fit feel special and part of a select group.

Examples of our ‘repelling content’ include:

Reasons You Shouldn’t Work With Us
Why New Businesses Shouldn’t Invest Thousands in a Website

*If you want to delve deeper into how content can protect your business, check out our book, Content Fortress

Content Fortress Book

2. Communicate Better With Customers By Using Process Content

Consistent customer communication is the key to happy customers. And happy customers, as you guessed it, means happy business owners.

But, consistent customer communication is actually a lot of work!

Particularly if you have long, in-depth projects with lots of moving parts and you need your clients to do some work too.

To do this, we recommend you create ‘process content’. Process content is a way of communicating with your customers/clients, informing them of what’s happening during every step of your process. It can be public content and also private content. But the best part about it is you create it once and use it time-and-time again.

How Process Content Prevents Customer Issues

Your clients/customers are happy as they’re getting regular, educational content that tells them exactly what’s going on. They’re not left confused, or worse, wondering if they made a bad buying decision.

Better yet, you’re happy because you create this content once, and use it again and again with your clients/customers. Saving you loads of time (and impressing your customers too).

Examples of some of our process content:

3. Attract Customers Who Are On Your ‘Wavelength’ With Opinion Content

Opinion content is, you guessed it, content that revolves around your opinion. This could be something to do with your industry, products, or customers, or even something personal to you.

Often opinion content stems from your frustrations. It comes from experience and that voice within that tells you, ‘okay, I really need to say something to stop this from happening.’

How Opinion Content Prevents Customer Issues

Some people will disagree with your opinion. Others will agree with it. Either way, if you produce ‘opinion content’ you will attract those with similar beliefs (and repel the ones with opposing beliefs).

This works because you end up attracting customers who are on your wavelength. They get you and what you’re all about.

Plus, it makes people aware that you have an opinion, and this is based on your experience and expertise. You position yourself as an authority and as someone who isn’t just a ‘yes-man/woman’- simply there to take orders.

Examples of some of our opinion content:

Remember, it’s All Your Responsibility

Remember it’s incredibly freeing when you take ownership when things go wrong in your business. Because it’s all in your power to prevent it from happening again.

By using content, you prevent issues in your business right from the beginning. It’s a pro-active, preventative measure that helps you stop problems before they happen.

If you’re interested in reading more about how to work with your dream clients and repel the ones who aren’t the right fit, then pre-order a copy of our book, Content Fortress.

Those who pre-order a copy will be part of a training session with us, which delves deeper into how to use content marketing to protect and grow your business…

Content Fortress Book

The post How to Stop Customer Issues Before They Happen (Using Content Marketing) appeared first on Content Marketing & SEO Agency | Get More Sales From Your Website.

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