Business Challenge Archives - Content Marketing & SEO Agency | Get More Sales From Your Website Jammy Digital Thu, 13 Jan 2022 16:07:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The 90-day Content Marketing Challenge 2022 – Everything You Need to Know Thu, 31 Dec 2020 15:44:50 +0000 Have you heard a big kerfuffle about the 90 Day Content Marketing Challenge? Have you thought to yourself, ‘well, what’s that all about then?‘   Well, good news. Because in this post, we’re going to tell you exactly what happens during the 90DC (that’s what the cool kids call the 90 Day Challenge) and what you […]

The post The 90-day Content Marketing Challenge 2022 – Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Content Marketing & SEO Agency | Get More Sales From Your Website.

Have you heard a big kerfuffle about the 90 Day Content Marketing Challenge? Have you thought to yourself, ‘well, what’s that all about then?‘  

Well, good news. Because in this post, we’re going to tell you exactly what happens during the 90DC (that’s what the cool kids call the 90 Day Challenge) and what you can expect once you sign up.

What is the 90-day Content Challenge?

The 90-day Challenge is a content marketing challenge that will help you produce sales-generating content on a more consistent basis. 

We run the challenge inside our membership community, Make Your Mark Online, and we run the challenge three times per year. And for the first time ever, you can also sign up to the challenge without joining the membership. The next challenge starts on Monday 17th Jan 2022. 

What do you have to do throughout the challenge?

Each week, you will create one piece of content. Your deadline for creating and sharing the content with us is every Sunday evening at 11.59 pm – we know, so precise! We have a private channel inside our community where you can add a link to your content for that particular week. 

Each week, we will update a spreadsheet for our members and depending on whether you hit the deadline or not you will get a green or a red marker next to your name. That’s right. If you don’t submit content you get a scary red marker! 

The following week, we will review the first 10 pieces of content submitted as part of the challenge on a live zoom call. 

What does the Feedback Cover?

We’ll review the first 10 pieces of content submitted. Your feedback will depend on the content you provide, but we will look for the following: 

  • How valuable it is to the reader – does it answer a question, educate or inspire?
  • How easy it is to understand – is it full of jargon, is it clear?
  • The structure – does it flow well, or do you get lost easily?
  • Search Engine Optimisation – is there anything you can do to improve?
  • How are your titles? Do they compel people to read/watch/listen?
  • Storytelling – does it get the reader to connect with you?
  • Is there anything missing? Are there any unanswered questions?
  • Is it specific enough? Or do you skim over lots of points instead?
  • Is the imagery on-brand? Is there anything you can do better?
  • Do you do a good job of capturing leads through your content?
  • How’s your tone of voice? Does it sound like you?

You can also gain specific feedback on your content in our dedicated feedback channel. Just ask in the channel what you’d like feedback on and either Martin or Lyndsay (or both!) will get back to you, along with lots of people in the group as well!

Why is the 90DC So Effective?

The 90-day challenge works because of these three simple factors:

1. Accountability

The challenge runs from Monday to Sunday every week. Everyone has the same deadline: 11:59 on Sunday evening. It’s amazing how motivating a deadline is. If you miss the deadline you get a red marker next to your name for that week. If you hit the deadline, you get a green marker. Nobody wants to be in the RED! 

This simple deadline means it pushes you every week to write that blog post, record that video or publish that podcast episode.

2. Feedback

We give feedback on the first 10 submissions of content and we also provide feedback in our community group.  

You learn so much through your own feedback and through others’ feedback. Feedback is an essential part of the challenge, so you can learn how to produce content that readers want to read, and that delivers you traffic and leads.

3. Consistency

A weekly deadline helps you stay consistent with your content production. It will help you fine-tune your writing or recording and speed up the process too. 

The fact that you HAVE to produce one piece of content every week will force you to produce content quickly and get better at it over time.

What results should I expect?

Your results will depend on a number of factors such as the type of content you produce, and how good the content is but some of our previous students have seen some incredible results. The challenge is designed for you to improve in the following areas: 

  1. Increase your search engine rankings 
  2. Increase your website traffic 
  3. Increase your leads and sales from your content

What results have our members had? 

We’re not going to put a load of testimonials here just to try to sell our challenge. Instead, here are some numbers…

Sara Bussandri – Doubled her website traffic and gets 3-5 leads through her website every month. 

Janine Coombes – Is ranked first on Google for her main keyword and earned £3600.00 from one blog post. 

Ramin Saski – Doubled his prices 

Debbie’s Ekins – Increased her website by 92%

Aidan Lee – Is ranked first on Google for his main keyword

Louise Brogan – Traffic increased by 70%

What results did we have?

It’s no lie we love this challenge because we’ve actually done it ourselves. In the first year of completing this challenge we…

  • Increased our traffic by 900%
  • Increased our prices by 350%
  • Increased enquiries through our website by 200%
  • Had more informed customers (which made it easier for us to sell)
  • Attracted the RIGHT customers (i.e. no time-wasters)
  • Spent more time helping customers rather than selling our services

When does the content challenge start in 2022?

We run three challenges throughout the year and the next challenge starts on Monday 17th Jan. The first deadline for your first piece of content will be the following Sunday (17th Jan) at 11:59 pm UK Time. It then continues for an additional 12 weeks running from Monday to Sunday.

We will also be running a Strategic Content Planning Session on Thursday 9th Sept in our community. 

What is the Strategic Content Planning Session?

Before the challenge begins, we’ll run a pre-challenge planning session. This will help you plan all your content for the entire 13 weeks. We will go through exactly what you want to sell, and work our way back to what content you can create to achieve your sales goals.

What do we class as “content”?

When you join the challenge, you must submit a piece of content each week. The type of content can vary but we try to encourage our students to stick with one type of content throughout the challenge to maximise your success.

Content that will count throughout the challenge.

  • Blog article
  • Web page/Sales page
  • Video (YouTube or embedded on a website)
  • PDF such as a lead magnet
  • Infographic 
  • Podcast (for feedback, we would need a corresponding article on your website with the podcast embedded

How many people take part in the content challenge?

We have a maximum of 80 people who can take part in the challenge. We like to keep the numbers low so we can monitor members progress each week.

We will NOT accept more than 80 people per challenge and we always SELL OUT so get in early. This isn’t some fake scarcity, we simply do not have the capacity to take on any more people. 

How much does it cost?

There are two ways you can join the challenge…

Sign up to our membership community: MYMO for $59.00+VAT or annually for $590+VAT

What Other Resources Are Included? 

Everyone will get access to our content marketing training centre, which includes a video course and tons of resources to help you plan and create your content.

You will also get access to our SEO training. This is you can rank your content on search engines and get more traffic to your website. The training includes courses on on-page SEO, keyword research, off-page SEO and more.

You’ll also get access to blog post image templates on Canva and our Slack community.

If you join the membership you’ll have access to loads more, including our website page templates (including sales pages and landing pages), courses, masterclasses and loads more.

How long does the challenge run for?

The challenge runs for 90 days. Well, it actually runs for 13 weeks which is slightly longer than 90 days.

You have 13 weeks to produce 13 pieces of content and it must be submitted by the Sunday evening at 11:59pm.

Who will be guiding you through the challenge?

We will be helping you throughout the challenge. We’ll be on hand to answer any questions you have along the way and we’ll also be providing feedback on your content.

Every Wednesday we have a weekly feedback call. This call is at 10am (UK time) every Wednesday throughout the challenge and the video replay will be uploaded for anyone who can’t attend live. 

How do I access the challenge?

Once you sign up, you will be added to our membership forum. Within that, you will access to the 90-day content challenge CHANNEL where you can introduce yourself and share your content.

Every Monday throughout the challenge, we will create a thread for that week and once you have created your content you can simply add it to the thread.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up here. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll get automatic access to either the membership or the content marketing training centre and SEO training. We’ll shortly add you to our Slack community where you can introduce yourself and get added to the challenge thread. 

Content Marketing Challenge

The post The 90-day Content Marketing Challenge 2022 – Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Content Marketing & SEO Agency | Get More Sales From Your Website.

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