We could harp on about how great we are, and why you should work with us. But frankly, that’s boring.
What you really want to know is whether you should hire us.
Are we the right fit?
Or could hiring us turn out to be an even bigger mistake than the eighth Fast and the Furious movie? I mean seriously, how many do we need?
Doing business with someone, especially long-term, is a commitment. It’s a bit like any relationship–there has to be respect, honesty and good communication. We have to be on the same page. Otherwise, it ends up stressful, time-consuming, and could potentially end up in a divorce. Not a happy ending for anyone.
So in this blog post, I’m going to go through the reasons why you shouldn’t hire us, so you can establish whether we’re the right fit for you and your business.
And don’t worry, it’s not full of bullshit reverse-psychology reasons like, ‘you shouldn’t work with us if you DON’T want your business to succeed.’ 🙄
So who shouldn’t hire us for our content writing services?
Let’s take a look. 👀
1. There are lots of people involved in approving everything
We happily work with marketing teams, but we only communicate with one person within that team, particularly when it comes to feedback.
We’ve been in situations before where feedback has come from different team members.
Sometimes it’s been contradictory, where one person has loved something we’ve done and another has been unsure, meaning we have to clarify which person’s feedback we prioritise. And as you can imagine it all gets a bit…messy. 😬
The best thing to do is for our contact to collate any feedback and give us everything in one go (and they’ll be able to spot if there are any opposing views). If this isn’t possible, we’re not right for you.
2. You don’t have any time to give feedback on the writing
The aim of our SEO content writing service is to save you time. In fact, we save you up to 10+ hours per week by offering a full blog management service, i.e. doing everything from keyword research to hitting the publish button–and all the tasks in between.
But we still need a teensy-weensy bit of your time. And that’s to either:
- Approve each blog post
- Give any feedback
On average, our clients spend 15-30 minutes giving feedback and approving each blog post.
So if you picked our Gold package (which comes with 3 blog posts a month), you’d have to dedicate 45-90 minutes per month to giving us feedback and approval.
Often this time gets less and less as the project goes on, e.g. there’s more feedback on the first blog post than the fourth!
I don’t think it’s an excessive amount of time, but if you can’t do that, we’re not right for you.
3. You want a yes man/woman
At the start of each project, we create a content plan. We create this plan based on our in-depth kick-off call with you (where we find out all about your business), and our keyword research and competitor research.
In this content plan, we’ll suggest three months of blog content–which includes draft titles and a bit about what we should include within each blog post.
Not one single client has asked to change any blog content ideas we’ve come up with–which they’re more than welcome to do, by the way!
But we get why.
We put so much upfront work into the content plan, and because of this, our clients understand how our proposed content ideas will help them achieve their business goals. We even record a video to go through the content plan and explain why we’ve proposed each idea.
As you can see, we don’t just ‘write the content’, we’ll tell you what we need to write too. We do this, not because we’re ego-maniacs, but because doing tons of research tells us the best content ideas to go after.
So if you’re the kind of business who wants a yes-man/woman to tell us what to write and when to write it, we’re simply not the right fit for you.
4. You’re not exactly sure what you’re selling right now
You might be clear on your products or services, but maybe you’re not clear on exactly how you’re selling them or in what way.
For example, if you’re a website design agency, you know you’re selling website design (at least, we hope so 😂). But maybe you’re not sure whether to offer a ‘website in a week’ service or do a truly bespoke service for every client?
If these are decisions you’re still thinking about, then we might not be the right fit, right now.
We create content with the ultimate aim of getting you more sales, so we need to position you correctly through your content.
For example, the way we’d talk about a ‘website in a week’ service is completely different to how we’d talk about a bespoke service for each client.
But once you’ve figured all that out, come back to us. 😉
And if you need help with that, check out Janine Coombes who specialises in helping business owners package up their services!
5. You’re not sure who your audience is
If you’re thinking to yourself: should I pick a niche or not? Or even ‘What are you talking about? I sell to anyone and everyone!’ then we might not be the right fit for you.
If you don’t understand your audience and their problems, it’s difficult to create content for them.
Because everything starts with your customers–their goals, problems, values, the language they use etc. This will help inform our keyword research and come up with your content strategy.
It also helps inform our tone of voice. We would write differently for an audience of plucky microbusinesses and freelancers than corporate HR professionals.
If you’re still struggling to find your niche, definitely check out niching expert Amy Caiger! Amy can help you understand how to hone in on who your audience is!
6. You want us to pitch for work
We sound a little egotistical here and we really don’t mean to. But we don’t pitch for work. The reason we don’t pitch is simple: pitching isn’t the best way to find the right content writing agency.
Why? Well, there are three main reasons:
- It relies on you having already diagnosed your problem
You don’t go to the doctor having done your own diagnosis. Well, I’m sure some people do! Doctors need to do their own investigation to diagnose a problem and prescribe medication or further help.
It’s the same with your business.
You need an expert to diagnose any problems and tell you what you can do to fix them.
- Pitching is all about turning on the charm (and quite frankly, we’re not all that charming. But we are good at what we do 😉)
We’re just not ‘charm the pants off you’ kinda people. And we certainly don’t want to peacock our way to your money by being all ‘look at how good we are’.
It’s not us. And it’s not right for you either. You need a company that asks YOU a lot of questions. That listens to you. That gets to understand you and what you need. Not the other way around.
That’s the only way for us to create good content that will deliver rankings and sales.
- Just because it’s free, doesn’t mean it’s good
Pitching can sometimes feel like a race to the bottom, where everyone competes by giving all their ideas and strategies away for free.
But ideas are cheap.
We can only create a good content strategy by delving deep into your business, understanding who you are and conducting our own research like keyword research and competitor analysis.
To do that takes a huge amount of time. And it’s not something we can cobble together quickly for a pitch. If we did, we’d be doing you a huge disservice.
So those are our three main reasons why we don’t pitch! And, if you like, you can learn more about why we don’t pitch for projects.
7. Your website needs A LOT of work
Our service gets you higher search engine rankings and website traffic (nice), but if your website looks like a dog’s dinner, it’s pretty pointless bringing more people around to see it. They won’t be impressed, we’ll tell you that much.
Now, don’t get us wrong, even when we were website designers we’d always say: don’t spend thousands on a website until it makes business and financial sense!
You do not have to have a fancy-pants website to make content work, but it does need to be:
- Professional looking i.e. doesn’t look like it was designed in 1992
- Mobile friendly – because 50% of searches take place over mobile now
- Relatively fast – because people won’t wait around for it to load
- Be clear about what you offer – and have a good user experience where people can find what they are looking for.
And that’s it. But if it doesn’t do those things, you may want to look at improving your website first (or getting it redesigned).
Side note, it’s helpful if you have access to your full website. Some website design agencies like to control access or gate certain areas so clients ‘don’t break anything’ (newsflash, that’s why you have backups).
If you don’t have access, you may have to send content to your website design agency to upload for you, which adds time and money to the process! Our advice: get access! No company should be prevented from accessing something as important as their website!
8. You want a cheap service
Honestly? There are writers that charge $20 for a blog article out there (if you look at places like Fiverr). And we’re a teensy bit more than that (our content writing packages start from £1397 per month).
When we work with clients, the actual writing takes up around 40% of the actual time it takes to press publish on a blog post. The rest of that time is taken up with:
- Keyword research
- Coming up with a content strategy
- Uploading the content–formatting it and optimising it for search engines
- Creating imagery (such as the featured image or images within the blog post)
- Adding and optimising images and GIFs
- Fixing small technical issues
- Tracking rankings
It’s a full blog management service, where you can ‘outsource your entire blog’ to us. We can do this because we’re experts in content writing, but also SEO, website design and content design too.
Unfortunately, all that ain’t cheap. If you want to learn more about it, check out our blog post: why are we so expensive?
9. You want free samples
We won’t work for you for free. Ever. No, not even if you’re Hopper from Stranger Things (he’s my favourite). But not even then will we work for free.
Of course, you’ll want to see samples of our writing. That’s fair. And if you contact us directly we can send some samples to you. But we don’t do any kind of free sample.
10. You just need one blog post
It baffles us when we get this request, because, in all honesty, you’re unlikely to see a massive difference to your bottom line thanks to one blog post.
Of course, we’ve had single blog posts that have performed AMAZINGLY well for us and our clients. BUT that was because we had a content strategy in place based on our research.
You can see results from just one blog post such as an increase in traffic, rankings and even leads. But to see results that impact your sales in the long-term, that only comes from consistent blogging.
11. You want to write about your awards
If you can honestly say that you’ve had a genuine customer or client contact you and say, ‘what awards have you won?’ then we will happily write about your awards. Until then, no. 😂
Think we’re a match made in heaven?
So, you’ve read through this and you’re thinking, ‘do you know what, Jammy? You’re my kinda people!’
Firstly, yay. We may be a bit fussy about who we work with, but that’s because we love the relationships we build with our clients. It’s better for everyone if we’re the right fit.
Secondly, visit here if you’d like to know more about our SEO content writing service. Or book a 15-minute chat with us to ask us any questions.
Owner at Jammy Digital, Digital Marketing Specialist and Writer of Young-Adult Fiction.
Tunde Sanusi says
Thanks for the share Jammydigital
I love how you guys are being honest with your opinions.
I once read (or let me say still reading) about this book called The Company of One
Being open about who you are, can help you achieve more with less
Thanks for the share