Membership communities Archives - Content Marketing & SEO Agency | Get More Sales From Your Website Jammy Digital Thu, 07 Oct 2021 09:57:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs Tue, 10 Aug 2021 13:06:36 +0000 Ever tried to talk to your partner, family and even the dog about your business but they just don’t get it?  One of the toughest parts of being a small business owner or freelancer is the feeling of loneliness. It feels like you vs the world. And even though you have a good idea of […]

The post The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs appeared first on Content Marketing & SEO Agency | Get More Sales From Your Website.

Ever tried to talk to your partner, family and even the dog about your business but they just don’t get it? 

One of the toughest parts of being a small business owner or freelancer is the feeling of loneliness.

It feels like you vs the world. And even though you have a good idea of what you should do in your business, having a sounding board or just someone there to talk to would be amazing. 

This is one of the biggest reasons why we join membership communities (and why we set one up ourselves). Of course, it’s the learning and the advice and the feedback and all that good stuff. 

But it’s also the community. It’s making new friends and connections. It’s talking to people on your wavelength who get what you’re going through. And that’s why we decided to write this post, so you can find the right membership community for you. 

Why on earth are we writing this article?

Yes, we run our own membership community and it might seem a little odd that we’re here promoting other memberships here. But we’re big believers in using content marketing as a customer service tool. Imagine you walk into a shop and a customer service advisor told you (without bias) all about the best products and where to find them – even if they didn’t sell them themselves. That’s what good customer service is all about right?

So if you’re a business owner or freelancer looking for a membership community to be part of, here are our top seven membership communities. 

Now, this is by no means an exhaustive list! There are so many membership communities out there (we’ve tried so many ourselves). 

But these are all membership communities we are part of and that we love. We wouldn’t feel comfortable recommending something we’d never seen before. We’ve tried a lot of membership communities and these are the ones we stick with. 

We have added these in alphabetical order – they’re all our favourites!

 Some of the links below are affiliate links. But, we are part of every single one of these memberships. We love them and recommend them 100%.  

1. Atomic

The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs

At the heart of Atomic is their community and two lovely fellas, Andrew and Pete, who genuinely care about their members and champion their success. 

Who is it for? 

‘Small but mighty’ business owners – mainly freelancers and micro-businesses. 

What does it teach? 

Atomic teaches you everything you need to know about business strategy. It’s incredibly practical for freelancers and small business owners and gives you the foundations to building a business that you love. 

They also have amazing guests who teach things like SEO, writing sales pages, email marketing and so much more. 

It’s a great combo of marketing advice and practical business advice!

What are the Key Highlights? 

  • The Become Atomic Roadmap – this is 9 modules that give you the foundations for building an ‘Atomic’ business with modules such as ‘The Friday Reclaim’ – learning how to take Fridays off (my personal fave)
  • The Success Predictor – which helps you identify the areas that you really need to work on in your business (and gives you the tools to help you) 
  • Atomicon and the Community – Atomicon is a yearly business event in the UK with an amazing line up of speakers. And the Atomic community is just a lovely, supportive place to be!

How do you access the community? 

Via their Facebook group 

How Much Does It Cost? 

£39 per month or £390 per year 

Where Can I Find Out More? 

Visit Atomic

2. Impact+ Membership

The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs

The King of content marketing, Marcus Sheridan, has introduced his membership community, Impact+ and it is packed full of amazing content.

Who is it for? 

Agency owners and those who work in marketing or sales. (I would personally say it’s more suited to larger businesses with sales and/or marketing teams.) 

What does it teach? 

So much! They mainly specialise in content marketing and inbound marketing, website strategy, Hubspot training, sales and so much more. 

They have an extensive library of courses and singular learning videos. And they have a big team of experts who deliver the training. 

What are the Key Highlights? 

  • The in-depth courses definitely. I love how much detail they go into on any given topic, such as the ‘Elements of a Great They Ask, You Answer website’ course – which has 10 videos. I’ve also noticed that each video is short (usually under 5 mins) which I absolutely love! Nothing worse than watching an hour-long slog!
  • You get access to their online events such as Video Sales and Marketing World 2021, Virtual Selling Summit 2021, and the Website Optimisation Summit 2021. 
  • They have mastermind groups that meet up once a month, for example, the Content Managers Mastermind, Sales Professionals Mastermind and Hubspot Users Mastermind.

How do you access their community? 

Internally through the membership 

How much does it cost? 

$79 per month

Where can I find out more?

Visit the Impact+ Membership

3. The Marketing Automation Academy

The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs

Kenda teaches you how to automate your marketing and she’s there every week with her members giving so much value and personalised feedback.

Who is it for? 

Business owners who want to automate their marketing

What does it teach? 

Kenda and her team of Ninjas teach you how to automate the entire customer journey – from awareness all the way through to aftersales. There are courses every step of the way, from building your list and creating lead magnets to getting re-engagement and testimonials. 

They have a Slack community, which is my favourite community platform as I personally find Facebook a bit too unorganised! And they also have weekly calls. There’s a lot of Kenda-time in this membership and she really puts so much effort into delivering personalised feedback. 

What are the Key Highlights?

  • The courses that break the sales process down by (attract, engage, sell and wow) and how to automate much of that process 
  • The challenges – these take place every month and are different each time. They work well and you get so much personalised feedback from Kenda. She really takes time and effort to go through everyone’s work. 
  • The ‘Tech corner’ which covers all the popular email marketing platforms and helps you untangle all that horrible ‘techy stuff!’ 

How do you access their community? 

Through Slack 

How Much Does It Cost? 

£37.00 per month

Where Can I Find Out More? 

Visit the Marketing Automation Academy

4. The Marketing Meetup Plus

The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs

Joe Glover has created Netflix for marketing in his membership where you can binge on amazing content delivered by an industry expert! 

Who is it for?

Business owners and marketers 

What does it teach? 

I discovered Joe after signing up to one of his ‘positively lovely marketing events’ for free. And it was amazing! The Marketing Meetup delivers so much good stuff for free every week – because they’re super lovely. And they also recently launched their extremely affordable Marketing Meeting Plus membership. 

You can pick from so many helpful videos within the membership – getting expert advice on things like storytelling, video, SEO, writing, social media and so much more. 

It’s simple, and yet incredibly helpful. 

What are the key highlights? 

  • There are 100+ videos in the community. If you have a marketing problem, the likelihood is, it’s covered! 
  • They get guest experts in to not just teach the why or theory, but how to actually do the thing! This makes it so helpful! 
  • It’s incredibly affordable at £9 (price currently)

How do you access their community? 

There isn’t a community with this membership.

How Much Does it Cost?

£9 per month

Where can I find out more?

Visit the Marketing Meetup Plus

5. Membership Academy (by the Membership Guys) 

The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs

The Membership Academy is The Godfather of membership communities. Ran by Mike and Callie, I can’t think of a single thing that would improve it! *chef’s kiss. 

Who is it for? 

Business owners who want to build and/or grow a membership community. 

What does it teach? 

It teaches business owners everything they need to know about building and then growing a membership community. 

The Membership Academy simplifies the ‘tech’ around setting up a membership site. It covers planning and strategy, building your site, launching, marketing, growing your audience, getting engagement in your communities and so much more. Everything is covered within in-depth courses. And it’s incredibly easy to follow. 

What are the Key Highlights?

  • The ‘Roadmap’ – this is what we followed to the absolute letter when we launched our membership. It guides you every step of the way from idea to launch
  • The ‘Game Plans’ which help you solve specific problems in your membership such as growing your audience, increasing sales, getting better engagement in your membership etc.
  • Courses to help you with…well, everything! There’s not one thing we can think of that isn’t covered in the Membership Academy. There are specific courses for everything you could possibly need

How do you access the community?

They have a very busy forum and also a Facebook group too.

What’s The Cost? 

$49 per month or $490 per year 

Where Can I Find Out More? 

Visit the  Membership Guys

6. The League

The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs

Rob and Kennedy teach you exactly how to do email marketing the right way in their Den. Their email templates and campaigns are so useful and a HUGE time saver in your business. 

Who is it for?

Course creators, membership site owners, coaches, consultants and affiliate marketers 

What does it teach? 

The League teaches you how to make sales from email marketing. Every month, Rob and Kennedy walk through a particular email campaign. For example, The Time Lord campaign (they all have cool names) teaches you what emails you should send before you launch an offer or have a sale. 

Every single campaign has a series of emails and best of all you can swipe the copy. This membership is a serious time saver. And the emails really do work too (always a nice bonus!) 

What are the key highlights? 

  • Swipeable emails – I’ve personally created entire email campaigns in an hour! 
  • The monthly live videos that go through a new email campaign you can implement in your business. Rob and Kennedy explain the psychology behind why the campaigns work so well. I really like this because I like to understand the why not just be given the how!
  • The teaching you how to build your list courses – such as building your email list through your podcast or Facebook ads 

How do you access their community? 

Through their private Facebook Group 

How much does it cost? 

$79 per month 

Where can I find out more?

Visit The League

7. The Viral Content Club®

The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs

Katya absolutely nails it with this membership. It’s simple: you get 20 new social media graphics every single month that you can easily edit in Canva. Honestly, this has saved me hours every single week!

Who is it for? 

Freelancers and small business owners 

What does it teach? 

Every month, you get a beautiful manual from Katya along with her downloadable Canva templates that can be used on Instagram/LinkedIn and Facebook. She teaches how to use each template and how to gain maximum reach. 

All you have to do is add your own branding and text and away you go. Martin’s a graphic designer but I was so tired of asking him to design me stuff when he’s so busy! So this was perfect. And super-fussy Martin loves the designs too.

What are the key highlights?

  • The monthly bonuses – I actually get excited every single month as Katya loves to deliver bonuses – this good be Instagram story templates or Facebook covers or workbook templates on top of the standard designs 
  • The designs are so easy to work with and look beautiful 
  • The prompts and ideas are so handy when you’re struggling with social media ideas!

How do you access their community? 

Through a Facebook group

How much does it cost? 

$99 for three months 

$300 for a year

Where Can You Find Out More?

The Viral Content Club®

Thinking of Joining a Membership Community?

If you’re thinking of joining a membership community, our recommendations above will certainly help you. Of course, there are so many amazing communities out there, but personally, these are the ones that have helped us the most!

The post The Best Business Membership Communities for Entrepreneurs appeared first on Content Marketing & SEO Agency | Get More Sales From Your Website.

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